According to the provisions of the Law no.55/2006 on the railway safety and of the Government Decision no. 1561/01.11.2006, modifying and completing the Government Decision no. 626/1998 on the Romanian Railway Authority-AFER organizing and functioning, the Romanian Railway Investigating Body- OIFR is an independent body within the Romanian Railway Authority – AFER, being designed to perform the following activities:
- to investigate other railway accidents and incidents, that under slightly different on conditions might have led to serious accidents;
- to investigate the tehnical failures of the structural subsystems or of interoperability constituents of the trans-European high speed or conventional rail systems;
- to request or to offer assistance to similar investigating bodies from other Member States of the European Union or from the European Railway Agency to supply expertise or to carry out technical inspections, analyses or evaluations.
- to draw up an annual report concerning the activities of the previous year, which is being published to the AFER’s Bulletin and to the website and is being transmitted to the European Railway Agency at latest September 30; also, is being published to the AFER’s Bulletin and to the website the final reports of the investigations carried out and is being transmitted to the European Railway Agency;
- other tasks specific to its field of activity, assigned through normative documents.
What OIFR represents
According to the article no. 19 ‘Setting up the Romanian Railway Investigating Body and the obligation to investigate’ of the Law no. 55/2006:
(1) Is being set up the Romanian Railway Investigating Body, an idependent and permanent body within the Romanian Railway Authority – AFER, set up according to the Government Decision no.95/1998, approved with modifications and completions by Law no. 3/2002, with previous modifications and completions. The Romanian Railway Investigating Body is developing an investigation of serious accidents on the railway system, the main objective being to improve the railway safety and to prevent the railway accidents.
(2) The Romanian Railway Investigating Body can investigate other railway events, those accidents and incidents which under slightly different conditions might have led to serious accidents, including tehnical failures of the structural subsystems or of interoperability constituents of the trans - European high- speed or conventional rail systems. The Romanian Railway Investigating Body shall, at its discretion, decide, whether or not an investigation of such an accident or incident shall be undertaken. In its decision it shall take into account:
a. the seriousness of the accident or incident;
b. whether forms part of a series of accidents or incidents relevant to the system as whole;
c. its impact on railway safety on a Community level;
d. requests from infrastructure managers, railway undertakings, the Romanian Railway Safety Authority or of the Member States of the European Union.
(3) The extent of the investigations and the procedure to be followed in carryng out such investigations shall be determined by the Romanian Railway Investigating Body, taking into account the principles and the objectives of Articles 20 and 22 depending on the lessons it expects to draw from the accident or incident for the improvement of safety.
(4) The investigation shall in no case be concerned with apportioning blame or liability.
How was set up
Article no. 1 - The Romanian Railway Investigating Body, named ONFR, set up according to the Law no.55/2006 concerning the railway safety is an independent body that is functioning within the Romanian Railway Authority - AFER.
Article no. 2 - OIFR is an independent body as regards the organizing, the legal structure and the decisional process in relation to any railway infrastructure manager, railway undertaking, tarrifs body, allocation body and notified body, also in relation to any part whose interests could come into conflict with the OIFR’s tasks.
Art. 4. -
What OIFR investigates
i. Investigates the serious railway accidents;
ii. Investigates other railway accidents and incidents, that unde slightly different conditions might have led to serious accidents;
iii. To investigate tehnical failures of the structural subsystems or of the interoperability constituents of high speed or conventional European railway systems;.
Who approves
i. The Romanian Railway Safety Authority
ii. The Railway Infrastructure Administrators
iii.The Railway Undertakings
How an investigation is performed
According to article no.22 “The investigation proceeding” of the Law no. 55/2006:
(1) A railway accident or incident shall be investigated by the Romanian Railway Investigating Body if it occurred on the Romanian teritory.If it is not possible to estabilish if the railway accident or incident occurred on the Romanian teritory or if it occured on or close to a border instalation between Romania and another Member State of the European Union, the investigating bodies of this two states shall agree which one of them will carry it out in cooperation. The other body shall in the first case be allowed to participate in the investigation and fully share its results.
Investigation bodies from another member state shall be invited to participate in an investigation whenever a railway undertaking established and licensed in that member state is involved in he accident or incident. This provisions shall not Romania or another Member State to agree that the relevant investigating bodies could carry out investigations in cooperation, in other circumstances.
(2) For each railway accident or incident, the Romanian Railway Investigating Body provides the necessary resources to carry out the investigation. The resources can be obtained from inside or outside the Romanian Railway Investigating Body depending on the character of the accident or incident to be investigated.
(3) The investigation shall be carried out with as much openness as possible, so that all parties can be heard and can share the results. The relevant infrastructure manager and the railway undertakings involved, the Romanian Railway Safety Authority, the victims and their relatives, owners of the damaged prperty, manufacturers, the emergency services and the reprezentatives of staff and users shall be regularly informed of the investigation and its progress, given an opportunity, at their request, to submit their opinions and views related to the investigation and having the possibility to make remarks on the reports informations.
(4) In short time the Romanian Railway Investigating Body is finishing the examination where the accident took place in order to permit to the railway infrastructure manager to rebuild the railway infrastructure and to be opened as soon as possible to the railway transport.
Who is in charge with the investigation of a railway event or accident
According to article no.21 “The Romanian Railway Investigating Body responsabilities”, item no. (1) of the Law no. 55/2006 :
The Romanian Railway Investigating Body is in charge with the investigation of the railway events or incident referred to in article no. 19 and shall comprise at least one investigator able to perform the function of investigator in charge in the event of an accident or incident.
The Romanian Railway Investigating Body shall be independent in its organization, legal structure and decision-making from any infrastructure manager, railway undertaking, chargin body, allocation body and notified body, and from any part whose interests could conflict with the tasks entrusted to OIFR.
The Romanian Railway Investigating Body is functionally independent from the Romanian Railway Safety Authority and any regulator of railway system.
The rights of OIFR in developing an investigation
a) access to the site of the accident or incident as well as to he rolling stock involved, the realeted infrastructure and traffic control and signalling installations;
b) the right to an immediate listing of evidence and controlled removal of wreckage, infrastructure installations or components for examination or analysis purposes;
c) access to and use of the contents of the one board recorders and equipment for recording of verbal messages and registration of the operation of the signalling and traffic control system;
d) access to the results of examination of the bodies of victims;
e) access to the results of examinations of the train staff and of other railway staff involved in the accident or incident;
f) the opportunity to question the railway staff involved and other witnesses;
g) access to any relevant information or records held by the infrastructure manager, the railway undertakings involved and the Romanian Railway Safety Authority.
The investigation shall be accomplished independently of any judicial inquiry.
In order to perform the investigation, the Romanian Railway Investigating Body, if necessary, can appeal to specialists from connected fields.
How can we know the results of the investigations
According to the article no. 23 ”Reports” of the Law no. 55/2006:
(1) The railway event or incident investigation result, provided to article no.20, shall be the subject of the investigation report draw up depending on the railway accident or incident gravity.
The reports shall state the objectives of the investigation as referred to in Article 20 (1) and contain, where appropriate, safety recommendations.
(2) The Romanian Railway Investigating Body publishes the final report to the AFER’s Bulletin and on his website or on the Romanian Railway Authority-AFER website, as quick as possible and latest in twelve months from the date of the railway event.
The report follows the reporting structure established to annex no.5. The report, including the safety recommendations are communicated to the parts provided to article no.22, paragraph no. (3) and after case, to the relevant bodies and parts from other Member States of the European Union.
(3) The Romanian Railway Investigating Body publishes each year a final report to the AFER’s Bulletin and on the Romanian Railway Authority-AFER website, at latest September 30, this report describing the investigations of the previous year, the safety recommendations issued and the taken measures according to the recommendations issued previously.
Which are the relations of OIFR with similar bodies from Europe
According to the article no.23” The Romanian Railway Investigating Body responsabilities”, paragraph no. (5) and no. (7) of the Law no.55/2006:
(5) The Romanian Railway Investigating Body may request or offer the assistance to similar investigating bodies from other Member States of the European Union or of the European Railway Agency to supply expertise or to carry out technical inspections, analyses or evaluations.
(7) The Romanian Railway Investigating Body shall conduct an active exchange of views and experience for the purpose of developing common principles for follow-up of safety recommendations and adaptation to the to the development of tehnical and scientific progress.
The Romanian Railway Investigating Body can receive support of the European Railway Agency in realising this task.
According to the article no. 24 “Informations that are sent to the European Railway Agency” of the law no.55/2006:
(1) Within one week after the decision to open an investigation, the Romanian Railway Investigating Body shall inform the European Railway Agency. The informations shall indicate the date, time and place of the occurence, as well as its type and its consequences as regards fatalities, injuries and material damage.
(2) The Romanian Railway Investigating Body shall send the European Railway Agency a copy of the final report provided to the article no.23, paragraph no. (2) and of the annual report provided to article no.23, paragraph no. (3)..