Hits: 1492 Declarations of assets and interests - year 2020 ID Number Name and Surname Asset declarationDeclaration of interests 1 Dumitrescu Gabriel 2 Ispas Eugen 3 Toader Doru 4 Popa Gheorghe 5 Hadar Anton 6 Patrascu Vali 7 Stoicescu George 8 Mazilu Traian 9 Stoian Eduard 10 Nicolescu Mircea 11 Belibou Vasile 12 Olaru Mihai 13 Herman Alexandru Iosif 14 Flutur Sorin-Georgel 15 Mazilu Traian 16 Hadar Anton 17 Stoicescu George 18 Ivana Eugeniu Cezar 19 Herman Alexandru Iosif 20 Buciumen Ioan Gheorghe 21 Flutur Sorin-Georgel 22 Olaru Mihai 23 Stoian Eduard 24 Belibou Vasile 25 Afanase Mitu-Costel 26 Zamfirache Marian